Dance Links
Boswells School Performing Arts
Students are given the opportunities to practise and perfect skills in Dance, Drama and Music.
Essex Dance
The Dance Development Agency for Essex, offering oppertuintes for dancers in Professional, Educational and Community settings.
Essex Dance Theatre
Provide opportunities to develop and sustain dance as a performing art and a physical form of recreation for all ages and abilities. Contact Debbie Holmes on 01245 476335.
Down Syndrome Links
DSA National Office
provides information and support for people with Down Syndrome, their families and carers as well as being a resource for interested professionals.
Down Syndrome Educational Trust
Focuses on the education and development of individuals with Down Syndrome.
The Downs Heart Group
Offering information and support on heart related matters.
Down Syndrome Health Issues
Answers to Health Issues by Dr. Lesion.
Down Syndrome Extra 21
Providing support for and information on Down Syndrome in the Greater London and Essex area.
Down Syndrome Research Foundation
Research into health matters.
Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group
A network of doctors from the UK and Republic of Ireland who have a specialist interest in Down’s syndrome. Their aim is to share and to disseminate to health care professionals a wide range of evidence-based and other information about the medical aspects of Down’s syndrome and to promote interest in the specialist medical management of the syndrome.
Mencap (Chelmsford)
Mencap is the UK’s leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers. Mencap fights for equal rights, campaigns for greater opportunities and challenges attitudes and prejudice towards people with a learning disability.